Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to my BCES family!  I hope you all have a fantastic break and enjoy the holidays spending time with your loved ones!

Monday, December 15, 2014


Our BOB team is really working hard preparing for competition!  We are very confident that we are going to represent BCES well this March!

Below I have attached a copy of the BOB projects I created for our team!  Students are busily at work, we are having a great time completing these projects together! I also attached a list of the cool incentives that our students are receiving for their hard work!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

3rd Grade Character Traits

BCES 3rd graders are really rocking it out this week!  We have read Mrs. Mack by Patricia Polacco and have been working very hard to complete our foldable that accompanies the story!  Our foldable outlines the character's traits and how she changes over time!  Be sure to check out our awesome work-  and Mrs. Mack by Patricia Polacco!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Reading

Come by the library on December 10th during your lunch for a special reading of If You Take A Mouse to the Movies by Laura Numeroff!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Science Fair Time

Dont forget to come to the library for extra help with research on your science fair project!  I am more than happy to give you assistance finding books, research, and credible websites!

Monday, December 1, 2014

AR Reader Party!

Welcome to the BCES Theater! Now Showing: Maleficient!  :)

I would like to send a special congratulations to all of the students who worked hard during the first quarter to achieve their Accelerated Reader goals!  Students attending this party have met their AR goal for the quarter and have an overall accuracy of 85%!!  Again, thank you for all your hard work, and we are SOOOO proud of you!

Remember, if you didnt make it this quarter, there is always next quarter to start fresh and work toward your goal!  If you would like some help developing a pacing plan to help you meet your goal, just stop by and see me in the library!