Wednesday, April 22, 2015

NCCBA Winners 2014-15

The North Carolina Children’s Book Award Committee is pleased to announce the 2014 winners!

In the Picture Book Category, "The Day the Crayons Quit" by Drew Daywalt and Illustrated by Oliver Jeffers with 27,010 votes out of 81,467 votes cast!

In the Junior Book Category, "Duke" by Kirby Larson, is the winning title with 1,303 votes out of 6570 votes cast!

Book Swap Time

Students, Staff, and Parents:

It's that time of year again!  Time for our annual Book Swap! 

Do you have books that you have read a million times or books that you have outgrown?  Bring your book the library and swap it for a "new-to-you" book! 

How it works- Books can be turned in to the library April 27th- April 29th.  Books must be in good condition, appropriate for all students, and you must have your parent's permission to swap!  You will receive a ticket for every picture or chapter book you bring in Monday-Wednesday!  On Thursday and Friday (April 30th- May 1st), you can redeem your tickets for new reading material! 

Book Swap Poster by Megean Wantz

Friday, April 17, 2015

3rd Quarter AR Party!

You are invited to an Ice-Cream Social!  Congrats to all the students who have worked hard to meet their Accelerated Reader goal this quarter!

Ice Cream Party Award by Megean Wantz